How to Run gpupdate /force Command Updated 2025

Written By: Nathan Kellert

Last Updated:

How to Run gpupdate force Command

Learn how to run gpupdate /force in Windows to refresh Group Policy settings instantly. Step-by-step instructions for IT administrators.

The gpupdate /force command is used in Windows environments to immediately refresh Group Policy settings. This guide explains what the command does, how to use it, and when it is necessary.

Steps to Run gpupdate /force

Step 1: Open Command Prompt with Administrative Privileges

Search for Command Prompt CMD in the Start menu and select Run as administrator.

Step 2: Run the gpupdate /force Command

In the Command Prompt window, type the following command:

gpupdate /force

Press Enter.

Step 3: Wait for the Process to Complete

  • The command will reapply all Group Policy settings. This may take a few moments, depending on the number of policies and the system’s performance.
  • You’ll see output similar to this:
Updating Policy...
Computer Policy update has completed successfully.
User Policy update has completed successfully.

Step 4: Restart the Computer (if necessary)

  • Some Group Policy settings, especially those related to the computer configuration, require a restart to take effect.
  • After running gpupdate /force, restart the computer if prompted or if you notice that certain policies are not applied.

Additional Options for gpupdate

The gpupdate command supports several switches for more control:

/forceReapplies all policies, even if they haven’t changed.
/target:computerUpdates only computer policies.
/target:userUpdates only user policies.
/logoffLogs off the user after updating policies (required for some user policies).
/bootRestarts the computer after updating policies (required for some computer policies).
/syncSynchronously applies policies during the next foreground policy refresh.

When to Use gpupdate /force

  • After modifying Group Policy settings: Ensures changes are applied immediately.
  • Troubleshooting Group Policy issues: Helps identify if a policy is not being applied correctly.
  • New user or computer accounts: Applies policies to new accounts that may not have received them yet.


The gpupdate /force command is a valuable tool for ensuring that Group Policy settings take effect immediately. By following these steps, administrators can efficiently manage policy updates across Windows environments.

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Nathan Kellert

Nathan Kellert is a skilled coder with a passion for solving complex computer coding and technical issues. He leverages his expertise to create innovative solutions and troubleshoot challenges efficiently.

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