Unable to Find Valid Certification Path to Requested Target

Written By: Nathan Kellert

Last Updated:

The error unable to find valid certification path to requested target usually occurs in Java applications when the server’s SSL certificate cannot be validated by the client.

Unable to Find Valid Certification Path to Requested Target

This is simply an SSL error, when your application or server tries to establish an SSL/TLS connection, but certificate is not trusted by the system’s keystore (a storage for trusted certificates), the connection is rejected, leading to the error.

Below is a snippet of the log messages the developer is shown while encountering this error.

caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed:sun.securi

5 Ways to Fix Unable to Find Valid Certification Path to Requested Target

I’m gonna share some quick fixes that mostly gets this issue of Unable to Find Valid Certification Path to Requested Target resolved. Without any further due lets get straight to our solution #1

1. Check the SSL Certificate

You can use any online SSL Certificate Checker tool or OpenSSL to verify if the SSL is valid and configured properly. If you wanna do it with OpenSSL just paste this command.


openssl s_client -connect <server>:<port> -showcerts

That’s the first step.

2. Add the Missing Certificate

Now since this error is purely an SSL Complaint, what you can do to fix this is add the missing SSL certificate in the Java Truststore which is also known as cacerts

You can use this following command to convert the cerificate to DER format if not already.

bash command:

openssl x509 -outform der -in certificate.pem -out certificate.der

Import the certificate into Java-Truststore by using this bash command

keytool -import -alias <alias> -keystore $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts -file certificate.der

The default password for the cacerts truststore is changeit.

Create your Custom Truststore

Now if you dont wanna modify the cacerts you can use your custom trustone and configure it in your application.

Create a new truststore using the following bash command:

keytool -import -alias <alias> -keystore mytruststore.jks -file certificate.der

Configure your Java application to use the custom truststore by setting the following system properties:



4. Self Signed SSL

If you’re working with self-signed certificates what you’ll need to do is ti explicitly add the certificate to your truststore, just like we did above.

keytool -import -alias "selfSignedCert" -file self-signed-cert.pem -keystore cacerts

Be sure to use the appropriate file path for your certificate and truststore.

5. Disable SSL

Though its not recommended if your application contains sensitive information, but if you wanted to debug the issue temporary or there isn’t anything that you should be worried about you can disable it.

In Java, you can create a custom TrustManager that trusts all certificates.

Update Java Version

Now this is also a solution, you might be getting this problem because you will be using an older Java Version, so you can try switching to the new version and it can get the issue resolved.

Most Common Causes

The “unable to find valid certification path to requested target” error can arise due to several common causes and we discussed 5 solutions to fix it.

One of the biggest reason is the missing or invalid of the SSL certificate, when an intermediate or root certificate isnt included in the certificate chain.

This can happen when the server you’re connecting to uses a certificate issued by a Certificate Authority (CA) which isnt trusted by your Java environment.

Another cause is the use of self-signed certificates, which Java doesn’t trust by default unless explicitly added to the truststore.

Additionally, expired or revoked certificates in the chain can invalidate the connection, triggering the error.

Finally, improper configuration of the truststore or keystore, such as missing certificates or incorrect paths, can also lead to this issue.

These factors combine to prevent Java from establishing a secure, trusted connection.

If you issue didn’t get solved, you can share with us and we’ll try to get it resolved also you can read our recent publication on HTTP Error 500.30 ASP.Net Core App Failed to Start.

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Nathan Kellert

Nathan Kellert is a skilled coder with a passion for solving complex computer coding and technical issues. He leverages his expertise to create innovative solutions and troubleshoot challenges efficiently.

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